I have been teaching at a tuition center for 2.5 years now, mainly in lower sec maths and science as well as upper sec e maths, chemistry, physics and biology.

I am a chemical engineer by trade, hence maths/chemistry/physics are second nature to me. Biology is also right up my alley as it is a science that is easy to score, IF the student know how to approach and answer the question being asked.

My approach to my subjects is never via sheer memory work, as much as possible. Understanding and conceptualization is key, to any level of any subject.

With time pressed teachers in school these days, they barely scratch the surface, leaving most students to learn more on their own via homework.

I will assess my students in the first lesson and have a word with them privately as I need to know their level of understanding and their problems/road blocks with the particular subject.

Many a times, such issues (eg. failed tests, not scoring despite studying hard etc) tend to discourage most students fast. They will learn under my tutelage, how to study a certain subject and how to study smart as well. Tips and tricks will be shared, and most of my charges normally are at least a 2 band increment within 6 months.

I have had 2 students going from F consistently, in upper sec chemistry, to B3 and now verging on A2 even. My N level student went from E grade to a B3 in a year, with consistent hard work put in and some educational advice rendered to the parents as well.

I enjoy seeing the spark in the eyes of the students, it is what that gives me a great satisfaction and hence me wanting to do private tuition.

I will also work closely with the parents to ensure that the student(s) progress is not stagnating.
Chemical Engineer by trade. Learning, is a lifelong joy that should be fueled and fanned properly. Each student is unique, hence a personalized approach to each student, a must.

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