My goal is not only to improve your child's grade, but to also develop the habit of self-study in your child. I am not here to earn your money; I genuinely want to help your child improve. Here is a little bit of my background so you understand why:

Back in my primary school days, I did not know what it meant to study. In fact, I was such a bad student that teachers had to hold me back after school to complete my homework. Thankfully, I got through the NUS High DSA and got into the school, despite my relatively awful PSLE results. Even after entering NUS High, I continued to do badly for the first two years.

All that changed when I finally understood what studying actually meant. But while the first 2 years were not included in our CAP score (for graduation), they were the foundation for what we studied the next 4 years. Thinking back, I could have done a lot worst if I didn't start studying at year 3. At the same time though, if I had understood what it meant to study earlier, things would have been a lot easier for me in the last 4 years and my CAP score could have been better.

Now that you know why I strongly believe in self-studying, how am I going to build that into your child? During tuition, I will be guiding your child on how to study smart. Unlike most tutors, who gives your child a thick stack of practice papers to do, my strategy is to let your child learn ahead of his/her peers. Afterall, everytime you learn something more difficult, anything prerequisite will feel easier. I believe that a child's potential is not limited by his/her ability to learn, but what he/she is taught.

As such, I hope that our tuition sessions can be just an hour a session, up to 2 sessions per week. That may seem short, but when you factor in the time your child will spend self-studying, it really isn't.
Waiting for university to start. Hope to do something meaningful in the mean time.

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