I have taught in primary school for 15 years, in a middle and low ability classes.

I wish to offer tutoring services to the low income family with children who are also not performing well in school (below 35 marks) in school. Purpose is to value add in their results, meaning even if they still fail but marks improve is good enough. The session will focus mainly on supervising their homework, guide them and reiterate what their teachers have taught in school.

1 session should be between 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on the student's learning ability.

Criteria: The child's results in the recent SA1 scores 20 to 35 in Mathematics / Science and sincerely wants help but cannot afford tuition fees offered by the centres or other private tutors. Priority to be given to low income family.

Focus will be to gain basic literacy and numeracy skills in order to be on par with the rest in school.

I don't have a place, hence if I can go over to the student's home and a dinner table will be alright. An adult must be around when the session is in progress but need not sit in the session.

Currently with COVID-19 situation, I'm able to conduct online tutoring with the main focus on helping the child to reiterate what the teacher has taught in school so far during HBL or to help the child recap whatever was missed or needs to catch up due to difference in learning ability.
I always believe in value adding rather than aiming for "pass" or "distinction". This helps me in my 15 years in teaching while in MOE school. My purpose of becoming a tutor is not to replace the teacher, but rather to compliment what the teacher has taught in school.

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