I am both a graduate in accountancy and also in law. I am a chartered accountant registered with ISCA ( Singapore) and a Barrister-at-Law with Lincoln's Inn (UK). I have great passions in the academics of these two professions. I have shared these knowledge with my students for over 10 years now in full time tuition.

My students include the O and A levels, the IGCSE and IBs, the ITEs, the polytechnics and the undergraduates ( both local and foreign universities). The modules and course contents may differ in Business Management, Accouting ( from double entry to Audit Assurance and Taxation) and Economics ( Micro & Macro) but my competency is universal and assured. My teaching orientate to the precise contents, syllabuses and examination formats. Each polytechnic and university has their preferred emphasis and the A levels and IBs are different. Students benefit greatly from the practical applications of the subjects studied which are now pivotal to achieving better grades at examinations. All said, I am very exam-focused. That is, to stay relevant within scope amidst a broad knowledge base.

All business and accounting studies would encompass some exposure to legal studies. I am very familiar with Contract Law, Tort Law and Company Law and Corporate Governance at the undergraduate levels. So yes, students are welcomed to clarify any doubts in these areas.
The sharing of knowledge and the belief that every student can learn and can improve - the very motivation to tutor. Many capable students just needed a little help to do better. I see the need for tuition as a strength and not a weakness. I feel great to be part of that strength.

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