Can do online marking of students' papers and emailed back with feedbacks/comments

Good content knowledge, very familiar with the PSLE syllabus and weighting of topics

Can strategise, knows what needs to be emphasized and what concepts or strategies need to be taught in the duration of time left before exam

Able to use approaches to analyse and explain a problem to a ten-plus-years-old kid in a concise way

Can be firm yet able to connect with student

A content writer for an online revision platform and have written a number of educational articles in
Around 15 years of experience teaching in pri school. Have taught P2 -P6 levels, with 7 years in P6 and 3 years in P5 in Math and Sci. Very familiar with upper pri Science and Math PSLE syllabus. Have number of years of experience marking PSLE Sci and Math papers and know what to focus on.

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