During my lower secondary school years, I have been doing poorly in my math and science subjects. It took me over a year to realize the reason was that I was not learning the proper method that suits my ability. I'm the type of person that needs to learn from the basics. Therefore, I would spend a lot of time learning the fundamentals and getting the concepts right before I can move on. Although I ended up quite far back in terms of progress as compared to my classmates, it was essential for me. Once I solidified my foundation of the topic, everything else fell smoothly in place. I was able to apply the knowledge easily and made rapid progress from there. Using this method, I have since managed to obtain grade 7s since the end of Year 2. During my IB years, I have imparted this knowledge onto my peers when I volunteered for peer tutoring, where I helped my fellow peers boost their weaker subjects. Encouraging them to follow the method I used with a little patience, the results are satisfying as they achieved grades 6 and 7s in the IB exam, which was a great improvement.

I have always enjoyed the satisfaction that comes from helping others improve on their weaker points and basking in their success. Hence, I would like to transfer my knowledge to the tutees and use a similar method to ensure they lay the foundations right first, thereby making learning less painful and more enjoyable from there. I may not have as many hands-on experiences as a tutor, but I strongly believe my influence on others with my own personal experience will yield satisfying results. Also, Math and Science are my strongest subjects, with Science being the most enjoyable subject for me to learn and teach. My teaching style may differ from that in school, whereby I do not strictly follow textbooks, instead I create more complicated problems for students to solve using the knowledge they have gained. For me, the application of knowledge is much more important than just blindly memorising formulae and concepts, which is also the key to scoring in exams. I will prepare the students by giving them tougher questions that will appear in the exams and combine several topics together to test ability to think on a higher level. As a student who once required lots of attention from my teachers, I have developed a significantly high level of patience that allows me to teach my students the basics no matter their learning ability.

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