There is no one shoe that fits all. Our way of tutoring is very flexible as we will customise different teaching style to suit every individual's needs.

To start off, we will guide students to understand the business jargons using layman terms and teach them in a way that they find it relatable. Thereafter, POA will be considered a subject that requires nothing more than common sense. No literal memorising is required. In fact, POA relies very much on the basics. As long as students sit through enough lessons to cover the first 3 topics of foundation, the rest of the syllabus will be a breeze!

A solid groundwork is necessary before you can move to the more advanced topics. We always guide and enforce the importance of just the first 3 topics of POA, and many of our students are good to go for the rest of the chapters with just simple guidance.

With 1-to-1 attention from us, students can clear their doubts and accelerate their learning. we will also be going through the different types of questions that students may face in your exam. Besides answering questions, we will assess each student’s strengths and weaknesses and prepare individualised materials.
I first started out tutoring with the thought of just trying out the education industry. Who would have expected, not long after I have started, I see my tutees achieving improved results that I did not thought of. Seeing the satisfaction I bring to students motivates me to continue teaching!

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