I am familiar with both the Primary and Secondary syllabuses and constantly keep myself updated with the latest developments and changes so that I am able to help students more effectively. In addition, I have a keen interest and a good teaching and working knowledge of the English Language, all of which allow me to be adept in creating lessons that truly benefit my students as much as possible.

I have a friendly and positive disposition which allows me to interact with students in a relaxed manner, upon which I would find out their areas of concern through our conversations. I would iterate that I am there to help them overcome their concerns and at the same time, make lessons as enjoyable and efficient as possible.


Prior to writing, I will teach students how to gather ideas for their essay topics and we will try out various ways to start, develop and conclude the narratives. After being exposed to the various techniques of writing, I will encourage students to decide on one or a few styles which they are comfortable with and hone their abilities for those.

For language use (Paper 2), I will focus on grammar and vocabulary retention, as well as comprehension skills. These included practices in grammar items such as conversion of word forms, phrasal verbs and other essential grammar structures, as well as vocabulary items such as synonyms, fixed phrases and collocations. Comprehension skills will be enhanced via focussed reading and understanding, and for weaker students I will focus first on effective reading for understanding techniques which will strengthen their reading comprehension abilities.

For Literature at secondary levels, we will analyse texts together and partake in discussions on aspects of the texts such as themes, characters, significant plot events and the intention of the author such that students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the texts.

For all levels, where time permits and student ability allows, I will include other literary items such as literary devices and encourage students to explore their usage, and we might also undertake some prose or poetry writing for enjoyment.
I have loved the English Language since I was a child so it is my desire to inculcate this love and enjoyment for the language in my students. I had taught for 8 years in a primary school before embarking on tutoring, and have since tutored students in English and Literature for 7 years to date.

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